Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crooked dealings in shares of Telekom

Bonn - The Bonn prosecutor has an investment manager of Deutsche Telekom in Bonn, and a business accused of insider trading.
As reported, the news magazine "Focus" in tomorrow's edition of his having achieved both through illegal stock market deals with telecom stocks a profit of more than 2.4 million euros.
The business will be run: Between November 2004 and August 2006 is said to have passed the 45-year-old ex-chief of the department of telecom investors in New York sensitive corporate stock market internals on the facts of his friend, businessman from Bonn.
With this information, the entrepreneur was previously in the image on profit warnings, or the payment of large dividends. In 35 cases he had bid and purchased put options and by the - yes it known in advance - price jumps profited.
The investigations were triggered by the prosecutor's evidence the stock keeper) of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin.

Friday, April 23, 2010

DEG victory! But fear for District

Dusseldorf --
Standing ovation and round of honor for the Dusseldorf EC using a completely crazy game against ERC Ingolstadt - the MetroStars broke a long time already lost or presumed lost match from the fire, were victorious after a great energy power in the end, even with 5:2.
For the fans a sensational, dramatic match with an incredible finale. Riesenaufregung there were even before the game. Background: Mannheim's manager Marcus Kuhl has stretched open after the dismissal of head coach Doug Mason (after the extension of 4:5-reverse against the Dusseldorf) its feelers to DEG coach Harold circle.
"Harry would circle for us, the most logical solution," the manager openly vying for the services of the successful coach for the upcoming season. For circle has a very good reputation in Mannheim, the eagle stood for 19 years as a professional on the ice. The brazen attack during the current season, says Lance Nethery said: "In the DEL there is no style."
The DEG-manager continued: "The eagles have Teal Fowler until end of season over as interim coach. What is it, again if the success of the hochveranlagten troops? Of this fact I go out. "
Let oneself by Kuhl in a poker to the coach into it, comes to Nethery, however, no question, "We want Harry to keep him very much and will make a good offer that we can pay. Then he must decide. "

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The refs decide the championship?

Cologne - win Wolfsburg, Bayern victory, victory, Hertha. The top trio marched Tuesday in lockstep toward heartbeat championship finals.
But: In all three games there were clear mistakes, sometimes for and sometimes against the title-hunters. This leads yet on every door. Decide about the refs at the end of the championship?
Focus on London: The shot from Bayern Leverkusen after the break with a confident 3-0, had even higher can win - but just as good before the break must be at least 0:1 behind.
For, as the first stop was Van Buyten (5.) and later Demichelis (16.) Bayer magician Renato in the penalty area only by foul, referee Thorsten Kinhöfer would have to give equal twice Penalty.
"Anyone who says otherwise has tomatoes on the eyes," fumed Bayer sporting director Rudi Voeller. Kinhöfer yesterday admitted publicly that he had the first Elfer "can give", the second must be "even".
The question of whether the Bayern game would be won yet, nobody can answer - the fact is that they are equal to two times with wrong decisions were lucky.
Focus Wolfsburg: Grafite scorers wolves were not recognized two hits for offside - wrongly, as the television pictures showed. The default is "in doubt for the attacker" was led by the referee Lutz Wagner-team to downright absurd, for both graphites and in the first pass encoder Edin Dzeko in the second case, standing up at the same height, but not aloof.
The two mistakes have cost the VfL Although no points - but alas, at the end the goal difference will decide on "shell or bad."
Focus Köln: Hertha, though this has been 2-0 at FC when referee Knut Kircher in the 68th Minute, a clear handball by Josip Simunic in the penalty not penalized - but with a Penalty Cologne would have had even turned 22 minutes time for the equalizer.
What Kircher says, read the interview EXPRESS: Click Here>
Here, read: 1 FC Cologne - anger at referee>

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So small are special shoes Willis

Cologne - Look, it's because he wears them but actually ...
We see FC-wag Willi Sanou with its new special shoes. The quick striker from Burkina Faso had long to wait for his custom-made by reebok equipment. In training camp in Carinthia, his feet were specifically measured.
No wonder: size 37,5 yes, there is not too often - the kicker is children shoes!
Willi halt the smallest feet in the league. Difficult for the manufacturers, good for himself but for the little newcomer is considered to be 1.71 m fastest FC professional - though not quite in top shape: "When I see I am not 100 percent yet," he said, EXPRESS, " but it is speeding up. "
It's quite possible that he can confirm that on Friday. Even against Dortmund and Stuttgart coach Christoph Daum threw it at the end of the fray. Sanou achieved by a hair it 3-1 at VfB, was passed following a fast break at the last second. "Too bad that it has not yet been worked out with a goal," he said with a grin, "I have indeed been secretly practiced somersaults. So I then jubel when I met the first time. "
Simply refreshing the youth. And with his little shoes Willi diligently continue to make steps forward ...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Three stars for the Foal talent factory

Mönchengladbach - Borussia nationwide talent factory belongs to the crème de la crème. The German Football League, the youth academy is now certified with three stars. "In this award we are very proud of because of 48 associations examined, only nine have received the highest seal of approval," says foal boss Rolf King.
The company commissioned by the DFL "Double Pass" inspected eight areas: administration, organization, football training, medical, educational and social support, internal marketing, scouting system, infrastructure and efficiency.
In almost all areas Borussia received top marks. The only drawback was "Double Pass" from the lack of gym. But King announced: "We plan to expand our property to 40,000 square meters and building opposite the main building of new training courses and a hall."
Already cavort in 20 junior national team in the foal. On the threshold of a professional cadre are Dowidat Dennis (18), Tony Jantschke (17) and Fabian Baker (17). "The three on the next turn," says Youth chief Max Eberl. Last prolonged storm jewel Mandiangu Christopher (16) for five years.
The U17 national team Muhittin Basturk (17) and Patrick Herrmann (16) coming from Saarbrücken. Eberl proudly: "The guys look at players like Marko Marin and Tobias Levels, here they can make the leap into the professional field and beat it out of better-paid offerings."