Sunday, April 11, 2010

So small are special shoes Willis

Cologne - Look, it's because he wears them but actually ...
We see FC-wag Willi Sanou with its new special shoes. The quick striker from Burkina Faso had long to wait for his custom-made by reebok equipment. In training camp in Carinthia, his feet were specifically measured.
No wonder: size 37,5 yes, there is not too often - the kicker is children shoes!
Willi halt the smallest feet in the league. Difficult for the manufacturers, good for himself but for the little newcomer is considered to be 1.71 m fastest FC professional - though not quite in top shape: "When I see I am not 100 percent yet," he said, EXPRESS, " but it is speeding up. "
It's quite possible that he can confirm that on Friday. Even against Dortmund and Stuttgart coach Christoph Daum threw it at the end of the fray. Sanou achieved by a hair it 3-1 at VfB, was passed following a fast break at the last second. "Too bad that it has not yet been worked out with a goal," he said with a grin, "I have indeed been secretly practiced somersaults. So I then jubel when I met the first time. "
Simply refreshing the youth. And with his little shoes Willi diligently continue to make steps forward ...