Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adam and Eve from Bonn will be re-measured

Bonn - The Rhineland Museum has gone to the dogs and is still being really happy about that! For the animal belongs to the 14,000 years old from a grave Oberkassel.
In 1914 he was discovered. In the grave lay a man (about 50) an approximately 25 years old woman and the animal - possibly the oldest dog in the world! Bizarre: Another grave goods was the penis of a bear.
Why all this was so, at least in 2014 we will know very well. For as long as the investigation of the grave discovery, takes part in the 30 scientists are using the latest equipment.
With a so-called strontium isotope analysis, they can find, for example, grew up where the dog. Particularly interesting is the question of how far had this age-old four-legged friends have genetically removed from the wolf.
Also, the Rhine, Adam and Eve are examined with meticulous precision. The scientists, led by Ralf W. Schmitz want to analyze the bones of the pair.
They are cut with a cutting edge x-ray computed tomography in legendary and 150,000 discs. This is expected to indicate whether the two a couple or father and daughter were.
Moreover, it is pure luck that the grave was discovered along with his bones: Two quarry workers in the area on Oberkasseler Stingeberg fell in 1914 when Schuttabfahren the bones with a reddish tinge.
1994 there was a so-called excavation. But only now is enough money - 250,000 euros - there to turn back the wheel of history by 14,000 years.