Thursday, March 18, 2010

Edgar Hermann listens to: Parkinson's

Bonn - The career makes him so quickly after any. Chef at the Casino by Daimler Benz the best-known motoring journalists in the Rhineland and the Easter Bunny brought it to the carnival prince Edgar J. Herrmann.
Unmistakable: the mustache and colorful plaid pants. Unforgotten his numerous anecdotes from 36 years of motor journalism.
They especially like Edgar remembers back to a car test for the NDR. "This mission should be broadcast on Maundy Thursday," he recalls. "Without further ado, I slipped into the desert of Jordan at 38 degrees in the shade in a rabbit costume. I was about to heat stroke, until everything was in the box. "
His colleagues today still laugh about this in expert circles as "coal accident" known event "I was once again off the road book in the GDR on the road and forced a Russian vegetable vans to full braking. Several tons of coal and sugar poured on the transit route and caused a mega traffic jam, "said Edgar, laughing.
The end of 2009 after 36 years with the car Journalism conclusion. "It would have been able to be a quiet couple of years more." Insidious disease that had not come between them.
"Parkinson's is now time not the flu," said Edgar. Intends to continue the election Bonner (born 1941), which has long been a bedrock Bönnsch, more devoted to the family.
And, of course, enjoy the carnival in "his Veedel" in Dransdorf. Twice was "eh" (as is his clerk shortcuts here) Prince Carnival. Background: The Gulf War, through the Clean Monday fell into the water. Since Edgar was still lucky day.