Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sharks: investors are willing

Cologne - It was all much worse than we thought! The disaster would have eliminated the Cologne Sharks season almost.
But by spectators missed the playoffs and lost the KEC is facing a mountain of debt from an estimated two million euros. With a total budget of € 8.5 million every other company would have collapsed long ago.
What the club also met the core: patron Heinz-Hermann Göttsch this season could be very little financial support. After he had beaten in the EXPRESS Interview alarm, were probably some wake-up call in the city.
And now see those responsible finally light at the end of the tunnel. After EXPRESS information the sharks are on the verge of salvation. An investor group made up of about ten people will be willing to absorb the club.
KEC's Managing Director Thomas gauge confirmed: "In December we were close to Ko It was indeed dramatic, as we have communicated to the outside. But we have announced, rolled up his sleeves and created with the consulting firm Partners & Ziems a rescue plan. "
Then were also found with the contacts of Göttsch In recent weeks, investors from the region who want to repay the debts are long term and the club as the main shareholder will be available.
Gauge will not confirm any names: "There are private and institutional investors who are ready. With the investors we are almost through, now we only negotiate with the banks. I hope that we will soon lash down everything. "
In retrospect, is now also clear that the sharks do not buy more top players were more inactive and almost slipped in the sporting crisis. The release of three players a few weeks ago was survival, because simply can fehlt.Eichin everywhere the money but now blow through something:
"The LANXESS arena helps us more than a partnership, and all sponsors are remaining loyal. With new investors, we could now put everything on wider feet and are present in the new season, a team that can play the very top. "