Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Wendler displayed - cruelty to animals?

Cologne / Dinslaken -
The more success the more envious. Yes, this is unfortunately when you are famous - and now also experiencing pop star Michael Wendler.
Trouble for the chest hair Poser: A journalist from Munich, filed a complaint against Wendler, such as "reported The West".
The charge: cruelty to animals. We remember: Wendler had completed his family fortune with the purchase of a house pig. The little pink bundle of joy had to first move into the shower - which brought the hitherto unknown journalists heavy on the palm.
The police are interested in the Dinslaken, however little. They forwarded the complaint to the competent veterinary authority. There, the case will now be examined.
Really scared must Wendler but probably will not. After EXPRESS information lives the said pork is no longer at Wendl, but is staying with his in-laws hochunterhaltsamen.