Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lawaree and the big butterflies

Dusseldorf - "Such a game is a dream for any footballer," says Fortune's top scorer Axel Lawaree.
The 34-year-old is now already in its 17th Professional year, has in his career actually already experienced. Everything? "No," contradicts the Belgium-bombers.
"A home game in which one has to climb himself in the hand, not to mention such a record crowd - it was with me before. It tingles right. "
Whether Ranisav Jovanovic can attack next to him (bruising in the calf, had to pause yesterday), is questionable. Langeneke yesterday could indeed participate in soccer-tennis, but has "no pain".
Even Michael Melka was not good on it: Before the cabin a wild rabbit died, the goalkeeper ("I own two rabbits at home") wrapped the dead animal in a towel and buried it by hand directly behind the building with changing rooms.