Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stupid advertising breaks down at McDonald's

Bern - Pretty embarrassing, what the burger Brater of have McDonald's as done in Switzerland: it is just with a poster campaign, wanted to advertise in the fast-food chain for federal meat has crept in an embarrassing faux pas - a wrong cow!
The picture shows a cow with a spot pattern, which shows the outlines of Switzerland. In addition, the slogan "100% beef from Switzerland". Doof it: The ruminant has a tag, to the clearly recognize the abbreviation "AT" is - for Austria.
Noticed is the story, as the Swiss farmer Mike Hirschi looked at the poster closely. He published his discovery in the mistaken agricultural magazine "Schweizer Bauer".
"Yes, the ear tag, we made a mistake," said Nicole Schöwel, spokeswoman for McDonald's Switzerland. The image was actually made in Austria and used, of course, with Austria-cow spots. For Switzerland, the image has been processed - only the brand, the designers had overlooked.
But Schöwel soothes the Confederates: "For more than 30 years, we use Swiss beef. Only in market shortages, we depart from the Italian meat, which is the exception ..."
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